Monday, January 14, 2008

More crazy

Ok another list.
Crazy things I feel like doing:

1. Feel a perfectly bald guy's head with my palm, humming a tune loudly (Gawd I saw the perfect candidate for this in the tube today, but couldn't gather the courage)
2. Sit on top and make a pony of my pet dog (yes I will have one one day), and hold its ears. (I know I will have to pretend I am sitting, else the poor thing will die, or worse bite me)
3. Do a sex course where they teach you how to be great at it, bring all sorts of dildos and sex toys and do demonstrations. (Oh my god, did I just do this day before yesterday in a lecture hall right in the middle of London university!!... uber cool)
4. Negotiate my way through a huge dark forested area at night, o gawd... it would be so terrific, that is, if I survive multiple heart-attacks caused by the sound of my own feet while walking on dry leaves.
5. Take a glider and jump off a cliff. Number 1.
6. Pick each house in my lane one by one, and peek into all their accessible windows for a fixed number of days each, and form a theory on the life of its inhabitants by what I see. And after I'm done, peek more where its worth peeking, if you know what I mean.
7. Buy all toy characters of the GI Joe variety, place them at various places in the house and then treat the whole place as their world, and create a mini series of their adventures, actually film it you know. Actually its not a bad idea! that's where the toy story guys stole their idea from, my mind!
8. Go to office in drag. Hmm..., strangely exciting, this thought.
9. Invite all rude people I know (of all genders), and who I want revenge from for being nasty and mean, get them drugged and strip them naked, and cane their bu**. lol


Unknown said...

kudos ... thats just the greates list ever ... u have really become what u have ever dreamt of i guess! kudos ... just dont do the 9th with me :)

rahul said...

I don't recall you being nasty to me, so no you get my lovely hospitality instead. grin

Surrendered Emotions said...

oh i though that was for rude people in general ... in that case ... some choclate fudge shud be in order for sure :) lol ... I got broadband at my place now (till now from a very long time i was using it at rt's)

rahul said...

Lo, and I thought you were in NZ...

Shararti said...

You got a LIST!