Monday, May 08, 2006


The Instructions: Comment, and I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what those words means to you and why.

My ten words with "E", which I received from Mahesh.

1. Ecstatic: I guess this is one feeling I really lookout for, and desire of, anything. Happy, content, excited, joyous are all good. But nothing like ecstasy.

2. Everyone: One of the biggest lessons that I don't think I shall ever be able to learn is that you cannot make everyone happy.

3. Emotions: They govern me mostly, rather than me governing them. I did not know emotions could be so powerful and so extreme. I thought I was mostly emotionless in accordance with a very practical upbringing, but i was wrong.

4. Easy: This is something I desire. Although I may want to achieve loads at times and end up putting effort for it as well, I seriously think I would rather be happier to bending rules and principles to make it convenient and easy.

5. Evening: My time of the day. I like to spend them with friends and family and can get depressed if my weekend evening is not planned or a plan goes haywire.

6. Elegance: A trait I like. Thats because of being a Libra methinks. Elegant is my style. Style is important.

7. Europe: There is so much in europe that I'd like to see. Whatever I saw whetted my appetite no end.

8. Eat: This has to come. Good food is an integral part of my existence. Eating isn't just about survival for me. I have to have variety of cuisine, tastes/aroma from everywhere and of course, I love my Mom's super cooking.

9. Embrace: I think I like to embrace people and ideas, and make them a part of my own personality. This is how I think I have grown. I don't really think I have so much in me that I can call my own. Sometimes I think that is bad, but then thats me.

10. Espionage: Surprisingly, I think I might have been a great spy. I have a dark side lurking in there for sure, which cannot do without the thrill of adventure, cheating, lying and deceit, but all this when no one is hurt and there is a all-pervading sense of fairness. Batman is my fav superhero.


rahul said...

Ohh. I can't give you a letter back can I??

rahul said...

Maybe "L" :-)