Friday, May 26, 2006

Da Vinci reloaded

The weekend started well with da vinci code, and chinese food.
The movie is well made and better than i expected. All the talk about the holy grail, did not really strike me as very important even as I had read the book, nor did it today. Anyway, what did strike me was the importance of belief, in our lives. Whatever we have been told over time becomes the truth, or a way of life. We do not know what is true from history. As someone put it, most history is the history of the victorious in war. Rest of the truth is lost in time or distorted beyond recognition.
The identity of the sacred feminine, the equality of power that the female could have held, had truth not been distorted, forces me to draw a parallel about the possibility of something like this w.r.t sexuality.
We cannot be totally sure how our ancestors viewed alternate sexuality, whether it was prevalent, shunned, closeted or maybe a way of life (as increasingly in some western societies)
Whatever it was, would probably never be known, as any treatise or artifacts depicting such life could be conveniently sought out and destroyed meticulously over centuries.
Even though suggesting Jesus a wife is weird enough for most people, I wouldn't mind an idea propounding a treasure hunt for the "holy male"... what a thought!


Mayank said...

Second time, first Cyrus now DVC. :(

rahul said...

Hmm... interesting. I'll look that one up!