Monday, January 18, 2010

Things one should simply overlook

Anger. Went mad with rage today at an innocous email from A. Just the fact that he still does not understand that I don't have an appetite for his brand of humour, has left me feeling very helpless and still more angry.

Kept sitting in office working till after eight as I didn't feel like going home. It isn't as if I don't know that I shouldn't be getting angry over small silly things, and I did manage to smile at the intended humour and perhaps the childishness of it all when I tried looking at things from an outsider's perspective. But me being me, I never forget and never really forgive, even myself.

Chanting mantra now: Take things lightly.

On a good note, felt so happy in the morning when I got my luggage back finally after two weeks. Everything intact. Great.


Contradictions of the Heart and Mind said...

Hmm got an update and a gist of the turmoil and confusion in your life... Sorry to hear about the anger and frustrations....
There are ways and means by which these will sort themselves....
Keep well, hugs n smiles as always...

rahul said...

LOL. I make my blog posts sound so depressing!