Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Truth - the way to go?

Lots going on as usual.
My friends asked me the reason behind the pessimism on the blog. Well I do write more in a pessimistic state of mind, and when I'm happy and excited I just sing and dance and don't write about it.

Had a detailed think-over about 'Truth' the other day.
Is Truth over-rated? As the comic book superhero said on Monday, sometimes people do not need the truth, they need hope.
Does that apply to our loved ones as well then? Is it sometimes better to lie (or hide the truth) rather than causing anguish and disturbance?
It probably boils down to the individual. We cannot change the world, we can just change ourselves. And hope that our actions produce the desired affect on the external world as well.
So if we do decide to take the plunge and bring about the desired change of speaking the truth ourselves, we know it will give us a definite feeling of satisfaction and freedom to breathe easy. But the very next moment, are we ready to face the reaction of the external world to it? The one we cannot control, and hence fear? Most of the times we know that that reaction is something we will not be able to handle. That reaction is going to cause us anguish, will bring us to our knees, will wipe away that momentary feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Mind you, it may or may not happen, but most of us do not dare to take that chance.
So where does this leave the idealist? The Devdas? Who doesn't accept the power of the almighty external world and move on to assimilate in it, who doesn't see the gray and only wants to see the black and white, who doesn't live a lie with fond memories of the truth. It leads him to cynicism or despair or both.
One silver line came about: One must be totally truthful to oneself and comfortable with it, and if that's the case, should not bother if one cannot be totally truthful to others around him. But what if, one is truthful to himself, but doesnt like the truth? It creates a conflict between what he ideally wants to be / want to do and what the actual truth is? Doesn't that cause disillusionment? Ideals don't exist anymore. Anything can happen in this world. There is nothing to trust if one cannot trust oneself.
Trust God? It is tough to have faith in God when you see that even His path is not giving the wisdom and calm to its followers that it should, at least not evidently. Does that not lead your mind astray to the extent that there is nothing in it but confusion, and an acute deadly desire to go numb? Sometimes it feels to makes little sense to look towards the Spiritual path, but I guess there is no other way to go.


Anonymous said...

If a person is comfortable with his falsehood, he might consider it to be his truth.

And if he is uncomfortable with it, he should understand that is not meant for him; whatever be the travails that come in its wake. hence he should stick to his stand,howsoever uncomfortable it might be.

But there is nothing like 'relative'or 'approximate' truths. What do you want, that is important. If one wallows in his grey zones, fumbling conveniently, in a search for the right path, then who's he kidding?

And as far as spiritual truths are concerned, just because someone is not able to touch the sun it doesn't mean the distance between the earth and sun is not definite. Those failing or stumbling in that path are not examples of the inevitability of human frailty but the stupendous spirit of constantly trying..

And finally, love is beyond 'relative' truths. It finds its way all the time- from misty and hazy paths to bright sunlit avenues. It knows all the time.

Actually, you know the right thing all the time. One just has to develop the strength to face it/continue with it/chuck it.

About God- if he didn't exist it would be necessary to invent Him.Fortunately, despite the consistent hammering of eerythign around us, He exists. But sorry, he won't appear just because we want Him to prove He exists.

Anonymous said...

...and while we are on it, it would be wise to consult certain bonafide superheroes, other than the ones sired by Harvey comics.They have also spoken words of wisdom.

Krishna, for instance..

rahul said...

We're at nothing. So what are you being so preachy about Mr. Anonymous?

rahul said...

Ok. While we're at it, I hate people trying to be know-alls and commenting on something without trying to understand what they are commenting on.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..i read, re-read, re-re-read...but i guess i am too small to find the truth


Surrendered Emotions said...

I agree with this so very much - If a person is comfortable with his falsehood, he might consider it to be his truth.

Truth is certainly "out there" but it takes different meanings and forms depending on whose it is and depending on where it is, in the space-time continuum. So all of us live with our own truths.

No one can know the absolute truth, whatever one knows/understands/sees is just a part of The Truth. All forms of love are included in that, just as all other things. Fore more refer to my blog :p