Monday, August 25, 2008


A long weekend passed. A relatively low key one but for today, as today was the visit to the grand carnival.

The mood was great, there were so many young people out on the streets enjoying themselves dancing away to great music everywhere. It was fun. However there was a immense dearth of guys, scantilly dressed guys to be precise, in the carnival parade. The women were all there, jumping up and down with their big breasts all over the place. Its a serious menace this with the London girls, they are just too fat, esp the black ones living on a staple diet of Burger King / McD / KFC.

We watched the parade for a while, and had beer and so-called Caribbean food (both ridiculously over-priced). I jumped around for a bit, until this great big realisation dawned on me that we are getting a bit old already for dancing around on samba beats all day, and that too amongst a sea of people (wherever you looked there were just hoards and hoards of people!). Still we stuck around for quite a while until we absorbed the atmosphere completely (my nose is clogged cos of that now) and then dragged our tired asses back to home sweet home.

1 comment:

Surrendered Emotions said...

hoards of people amaze you? really? especially since you hail from india??? :p