Saturday, July 11, 2009

From relaxed to excited

Had a nice relaxed day.
Watched New York. Very very different from what I expected. Wouldn't say it's the best bollywood film I've watched (unlike some reviews it has got) but definitely it does demand as well as grab your attention and leaves an imprint. Now that is something very few hindi films are able to achieve. I had initially gone for the 'hot' element but didn't really miss that it wasnt there in the film (lol). Both the male leads are still great tho.
Then had a nice dinner which Sho cooked and brought back in the evening. I didn't know that she as a good cook after all, at least tonight she was able to do a great job. :)
And was even able to sneak in a chat with A in the middle! :D

Can't believe we've so many holidays coming. Well I had actually thought I'll book them once the job switch happened but so many so soon!! Come the weekend after next, Paris, Venice, Amsterdam will all happen in relatively quick succession! Add to that Nice in two and half months and a possible weekend trip to Bournemouth thrown in next month... this is just tooo much fun......... sooooo excited!

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