Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A little self-discovery...

'The way you absorb inputs from the surroundings is probably different from me. I feel I absorb gradually and all the time, perhaps more unconsciously than consciously. There is more of an assault of feelings and information about the people and other things around, on me than on you. That prevents any belief-set being crystallised within me, as the world is so myriad and full of so many waves that following certain streams and rejecting others becomes very difficult for me. That's also probably because I many-a-times 'know' things in the sense that I have already sensed them and do not need to be told explicitly.'


Contradictions of the Heart and Mind said...

Hey Mr Aarbee....
Long time since i logged on here and read your beautiful writing.....
I hope you are well and doing great.... Its become a rare treat to get in touch with you....
Even the other day just managed to exchange a few lines on chat....
As always, just wanted you to know that am always around for you just in case....
Hugs, smiles and best wishes always...

Surrendered Emotions said...

okay - "Many-a-time"