Sunday, March 30, 2008


"Pick up your calls, Bitch"
A pretty harmless statement in our rainbow times, but one which really put me off after a very nice evening out with friends.
Well I think the thing that irks me about the usage of the word is that it is used to address almost anyone and flaunted like an accessory by gay men carrying a "hep" self-image. Its abuse is as frequent as dude, darling and of course the f word. Since almost there is certainly an image of a 'bitch' (self-centred, back-stabbing, wily), why dilute the spite targeted towards a real 'bitch' to every living soul who comes within your friend circle?
If I am being naughty and pulling a friend's leg and they turn around and call me a bitch, I am tickled and happy. But I refuse to accept being addressed like that after every few sentences, and especially on an online message forum or a restaurant etc. It has happened and I have strongly objected and distanced myself from people who can't stop 'bitch'ing others. People should just increase their vocabulary and introduce new ways of addressing others, I am sure that can be so much more interesting.
Try 'Doe' or 'Duck'

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