Saturday, July 08, 2006

Busy writing our tragedy

And so the hiatus ends, and I write my ....err..
Why do we want to get busy writing our tragedy? And more than that, creating one when there is none?
Well anyway, my current tragedy is the weather here in Delhi and around, coupled with the bordering-on-intolerable power situation evrywhere here. If Gurgaon faces atleast 3 to 4 hours of powercuts everyday, Noida is no better. All the more it reminds me of the bliss that Bangalore weather is, and accentuates my misery.
But having lamented enough and more on my tragedy, I have decided to try and take all this in my stride now. It isn't as if I did not know of the situation before coming here. So all I have to do is to focus on the reasons I shifted here in the first place, and take definitive measures to tackle the problems faced.
Some basic steps to that effect include:
Taking to pen and paper in a power failure situation and write on about stuff (this entry has been written on paper first);
Making task lists to keep myself busy on weekends, so that when the heat starts to disorient you or frustratingly push you into an involuntary slumber, you still can consciously tend to something that needed to be done and pass safely through troubling times;
Buying a whole set of summer apparel a.k.a. skimpy clothing to help tolerate the heat;
And finally, generally cheer myself up with all nice things around that I tend to simply overlook nowadays...


Anonymous said...

sigh........... u do hv a nice thing around here to cheer u up? dont u?

how one would wish it becomes enough fuel to revv up ur idling batteries...even in the heat of delhi.

wot can b done.....wot shd b undone.....and wot shd not b done to preserve n nurture that smile, cheekoo?

let the world know...

Anonymous said...

Guess..what i started Gymming:)
just now..came after...feelin light and happy...
P.S: Weather here is so romantic and chill.... ;)
btw..i assume thr r many things which can eb done during power cuts..rn't u aware of those...


rahul said...

Who else but MK!

Surrendered Emotions said...

and u think u are just overlooking some nioce things areound u ... think again .. there may be some nice ppl as well ... not exactly around u ... but whatever! :>