Monday, November 24, 2008

Tough keeping motivated!

Discipline. The new keyword in Anu's and my life.
I just keep realising how undisciplined we both are. We both set our hearts on something and then don't do anything to achieve it.
I know there is inherently a problem trying to keep 'achieve'ing and never be satisfied enough. But then like I said, we have our heart set upon it, and so what we want to do is something that gives us happiness. It's just that we can't let ourself get motivated enough to fulfill that desire of ours.
Just watched 'Dasvidaniya'. Nice movie which got me thinking on similar lines. 'Ten things to do before I die'... Its probably not a bad idea to make such a list but then it has to be made as if we ARE going to die in three months; and then keep on doing them and replenishing the list. But we know we won't die, so we won't be motivated enough. Where is the 'danda' that has become the quintessential motivator?
I used to be, and still am, quite jealous of people who get motivated internally and not depend on deadlines, examinations, and submissions to motivate them.
Anyway, I'll try and keep creating a danda of some kind to keep me (us) going.
There is so much to do and I can't wait. But first things first, I am making a list. And boy, am I excited. Grin


RDD said...

Where's the list??

rahul said...

In the making which, knowing me, is where it'll stay.