"Waking up to a glorious sunny morning with scattered clouds and a lovely breeze is an experience one shouldn't miss", I thought as I walked my brisk morning walk; that I have decided to take up, as the only means to stay away from the ominous paunch, very visible on everyone in my office.
What is there to be morose about, I asked myself? You are appreciating the leaves and branches swaying in the wind, the clouds rushing across a beautiful blue sky, the greenery and freshness that welcomes you in the park and the music that plays in your ears. You are feeling healthy, you are feeling like an achiever, you are aware, and you are smiling.
You are different. But nature considers you as much its own as it does anybody else.
I looked at the golf greens across the fence and admired the beautiful grass shining in the sun. And I felt the urge to go visit places where more sites and sounds await me, each more beautiful than the other. And I thought that I will keep this vision alive and work towards it to make my traveling desires a reality.
Then I found myself wondering as to who I will have for company? Well, I will have myself. And thankfully I think I will have people who take me and appreciate me as I am, who I can be transparent to. I think that is important. To be able to live your life without pretensions.
Life can change drastically anytime, you never know if tomorrow you will get a paralytic attack and spend the rest of your days like a vegetable. Will you regret "not doing" something then? Be proactive and spend your life the way you want, putting your heart, mind and soul into it.
If you are different, how can you still expect a traditional way to live? Is that all you think life is about, living in a particular fashion? Isn't there more to experience and learn and relish for everyone for a lifetime?
I understand that these may have sounded as just words without a practical applicability if I had heard them, at another time in another context. But I believe if I can ingrain these in myself, I won't be as scared and morose anymore.
One has to find his own space, and I trust there is lots for everyone to find.
And I must thank God that he has given me the power to choose, the awareness to understand and for everything else that has come along with it.