Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ich bin ...

What am I?
Confused - I don't know where I am going.
Scared - It seems to me I would be hated by more people than loved finally
Honest - I don't wanna keep things hidden under veils from anyone, but can I help it?
Selfish - who isn't?
Genuine - I mean it! :-)
Sensitive - Too much for my own good, I've been told
Lazy - Have to get myself to overcome this trait, i really do
Brooding - Get over it Rahul, think ahead, think positive. duh?

Loving - yes I am, am sure of that. But I expect so much in return, oh thats taken care in selfish and brooding above :-(
Funny - NO way!! Even a turned off TV set is funnier than I am


Mayank said...

Thinking too much about urself is bad...
and that so in a situation when u have tons of admirers to think about:)

Anonymous said...

Chandani Raatein..
Sab jag soye, hum jaage,
taaron se karein baatein..

Take a deep breath R, so many people love you unconditionally.
Remember - Daayein Baayein Upar Neeche..

Stick to yourself. We love you the way you are.

Anonymous said...

Thats the beauty of it, isnt it? "Expect the unexpected"

Anyway, next time.. Rahul could use some platforms!! The few extra inches!!??

Anonymous said...

Why do u ever need to care if you are loved or hated by anyone? You certainly cant help it! just be yourself! Whatever you are you are the best! It it were something else that would have been/made/looked you better, believe me you would have rather been that! :)